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AWS Solution Architecture

CloudiQS As A
Well Architecture

ClouiQS is among a select few AWS consulting partners across the UK that have been worked as a certified AWS Well-Architected for many years. AS an Amazon Web Services experts we are able to provide extensive AWS knowledge and hands-on experience architecting, building, migrating, and optimizing architectures that follow the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

While the  Well-Architected Framework is a powerful tool, the framework itself is only a starting point. CloudiQS has already delivered dozens of free advisable Well-Architected Reviews helping our customers to obtain actionable insight into their environment security, reliability, and performance, as well as their cloud operations and return on cloud spend.

AWS Architecture


The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides architectural best practices across the five pillars for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective systems in the cloud. The framework provides a set of questions that allows you to review an existing or proposed architecture. It also provides a set of AWS best practices for each pillar.

Consultio - Finace & Business Solution

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)