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CloudiQS is one of the leading AWS (Amazon Web Services) consulting partners in the UK that offersdedicated and guaranteed services as an AWS certified solutions architect over the years. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect examination is addressed to the individuals who serve the role of solutions architect and is enriched with a few years of valuable experiences. The aspiring architects must deliver cost-efficient and fault-tolerantperformances on Amazon Web Services.

Our AWS professionals and experts offer profound knowledge on Amazon Web Services and first-hand experiences to create, architect, migrate and optimize architectures based on the AWS well-architected framework. A well-architected framework is a robust tool and the cornerstone of a project.

About the AWS Certified Solutions Architect:


• Ability to show up the knowledge and architect and implement the secure and powerful application on Amazon Web Services technologies
• Ability to describe a solution with the help of architectural design principles according to customer demand
• Ability to offer guidance and suggestions to the company throughout the project


• Practical experience in computing, networking, database and storage AWS services
• A clear understanding of the fundamental architectural principle to create the AWS Cloud
• The whole idea of the AWS International Infrastructure
• Skilled enough to recognize and suggest the technical needs for an Amazon Web Services-based application
• An understanding of the AWS related network technologies
• Applied experience in AWS implementation and management services
• Ability to understand which service is the best for a specific technical requirement
• Knowledgeable about the security features and tools provided by Amazon Web Services, and the connection between AWS and traditional services

To become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, nothing works better than real-life experience. There exist plenty of AWS training courses available to enhance your knowledge. Before you go for training, you need to acquire some basic knowledge about the technology. You need to learn the skills required to get the certification. The examination paper is set in English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese. Soon, the examination will be conducted in other foreign languages like French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, etc. more aspirants worldwide can appear for the exam from now onwards.

Our company has always shown up several free, well-architected reviews to help our customers get a complete insight into the high-quality performances and promising approach of our AWS certified solutions architects.
The AWS well-architected framework delivers the best architectural practices beyond the five pillars of operating an efficient and secure cloud system. The framework allows you to review a given architecture. The five pillars are as followed,

1.Operational Excellence

Runs and monitors the workload to deliver improved business performance


Protects information and data with risk management and migration strategies


Automated recovery from failures with dynamic strategies

4.Performance Efficiency

Uses the computing resources efficiently on demand and deliver high-quality performance

5.Cost Optimization

Uses cost-effective resources to meet the commercial goals

For further queries, you can contact our expert team. Hopefully, the content will guide you.

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