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AWS Cloud Security

Your Cloud Security is
Always our top Priority

Get visibility into the security and compliance items in your environment on AWS. Don’t take risks in your operation, get to know CloudiQS solutions to support you in the challenge of making your environment more resilient and safer.

At CloudIQS , security and compliance issues in the environments we create and manage is a top priority. The main challenges regarding the management of environments in the cloud are related to the lack of visibility on issues such as: Compliance, Security and Optimisation It is common to find environments susceptible to these types of problems, because in general architects and developers do not have this focus on their organisations. 

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Secure your Business
Building an Effective AWS Security

CloudiQS expert security specialists come with decades of experience supporting data-driven initiatives at some of the largest organisations in the world. It’s what sets us unique. Migration to the cloud always raises questions around security and you will have many considerations to manage as you migrate and run more and more applications in the AWS cloud. Cloud has the capability to offer extremely secure solutions, but you need the skills and experience to deliver them, and manage them effectively once they are live.

We care for your Security

We can help. 

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Security Architecture

Already started your AWS cloud journey? Our cloud and security experts can assess your design and its security, providing expert advice. Contact us to discuss.

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Continuous Security Testing

CloudiQS combine cloud with modern DevOps methodology for the customers and you will gain levels of teams agility to continuous secure and your AWS cloud to sport issues fast and stay secure.

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DevSecOps Training and Constancy

CloudiQS security teams can help you build in the latest open source tools into your application development pipeline, removing many common vulnerabilities before you code hits production. See details of our training here.

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VPC Network Security

We have a proven record of driving towards holistic security policies across hybrid networks, security lifecycle in both AWS VPC Cloud and legacy On-prem networks.

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Application Security

Over the past years we helped our clients design, protect and monitor their key applications on AWS Cloud , by using AWS native security tooling or third parties tools such as Splunk.

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Kurbenetes Security

EKS from a security standpoint, the main difference is that as a managed service, the K8s cluster is managed by AWS. Our customers doesn’t manage the master node, only worker nodes, that we have helped building guardrails and implementing security controls.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)