Welcome to CloudiQSWelcome to CloudiQSWelcome to CloudiQS
(24h x 7days)
Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 1SN


Build for your Industry.  

Regardless of what industry you’re in, CoudiQS is ready to provide adaptable and comprehensive solutions that drive business results to on AWS Cloud. We have helped many organisations to drive their business forward through AWS Cloud migrations, by experts who understand the unique challenges that face your organisation

We Solve Cloud Problems


Health Care

We have made many commitments to small and large organisations within Healthcare to Migrate their services into AWS Cloud.

CloudiQS for Banking & Finance

Banking & Finance

CloudiQS helps power financial services, banking, insurance, and capital markets institutions that are more informed, proactive, and competitive than ever before

CloudiQS for Startups High Tech

Startups & High Tech

Technology and electronics manufacturers rely on CloudiQS AWS expertise solutions to get their products to market faster, leverage real-time visibility into the end-to-end supply chain when born in the Cloud.

CloudiQS for Construction Engineering

Construction & Engineering

Construction and engineering organisations rely on CloudiQS AWS Cloud expertise to enable digital transformation, improve productivity, collaborate closely with partners and suppliers, ensure compliance, and more

CloudiQS for Retail


When a retail's greatest asset is getting new ideas / product to their consumers quickly, Companies cant afford slow technologies. CloudiQS help those retails focusing on their products rather than cloud Skill sets

CloudiQS Travel Business Graphic


Small & Large travel businesses are facing challenges with their technologies, or agility, CloudiQS help those businesses to transform their digital transformations to AWS Cloud, to meet customers demand

Consultio Extended Logo Dark

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)