Welcome to CloudiQSWelcome to CloudiQSWelcome to CloudiQS
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Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 1SN

AWS Security Badge


CloudiQS is one of your fastest-growing AWS Advanced Consulting Partners based in the UK. We’re proud to say that we are dedicated to Consulting the AWS technologies only and to help our customers cost efficiency, and security.

AWS Solutions Architect
AWS Solution Architecture

AWS Solution Architecture

Our Solution Architects are able to work with you to help you get the best out of AWS, to help with right-sizing, or to look at different approaches than lift and shift method, including greenfield projects

AWS Serverless Architecture

Serverless Architecture

Serverless is the modern way to build your applications and means you can spend time and money on developing the application itself rather than worrying about servers.

AWS Cloud Security

AWS Cloud Security

At CloudiQS we understand the importance of cloud security and we are able to work closely with clients to fully analyse their AWS environment and to identify where potential gaps exist

AWS Migrating Services Graphic

Migrating To AWS

Migrating to AWS unlocks efficiencies and operational benefits you never knew were possible. We can ensure your infrastructure is designed to suit its new home in the cloud.

AWS Architecture Graphic PNG

AWS Well Architecture Reviews

CloudiQS is a Advanced Tier AWS consulting partner UK-based. Our teams skills sets ensures your AWS workloads are configured to your best needs and apply AWS best practice

AWS Data & Analytics

AWS Data and Analytics

Utilising the flexibility and scalability of allows us to build secure and easy-to-use data and analytics solutions into a source of value generation for our customers.

AWS Consulting Partner
About Us

Build and Secure your AWS Cloud with CloudiQS.

Qualified and full accredited AWS Advanced  Partner from AWS. AWS has given us the ability based on our teams ability and expertise to help customers at all sizes and build cost saving AWS environments 


Customers Success Stories

We have many success stories, however we proud to list the key customers which have been with us during those days.

Happy Clients

Happy Customers



CloudiQS was very helpful in providing/fullfilling AWS services and support gaps to key projects undertaken by Techprof Ltd. Steve is very experienced and knowledgable in AWS space I would highly recommend working with CloudiQS
Muffaddal Kanorwala
Head of Global IT Techproft

Our Expert Team

CloudiQS is a unique, people focused, technology, services company. We are 100% committed to providing the right services for our customers, to achieve their success, now and for the future. 

Our AWS Expertise

We are proud of our Achievements

Consultio Extended Logo Dark

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)