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Migrating To AWS

Migration from on-Premises to AWS Environment

Migrating to AWS unlocks efficiencies and operational benefits you never knew were possible. Many organizations are making the move from on-premises to AWS for a number of reasons, including freeing up IT assets, simplifying the operation and maintenance system, speeding up the start of service use, and improving availability. AWS has an expansive library of resources and services and all you need to take your on-prem data center off your hands. If Amazon Web Services is the right choice for your business, partner with CloudiQS for your migration. CloudiQS is one of the top AWS consulting partners in the UK, and we can help make migrating to AWS as simple as possible for you. We help you plan your AWS migration in the best possible way. Our team ensures your AWS migration is smooth before, during, and after it is complete. Learn more about our expert and professional AWS migration services.

Why Businesses Are Migrating to AWS From On-Prem

AWS, or Amazon Web Services, has become the leading cloud computing platform that provides on-demand services to individuals, companies, and governments. Amazon Web Services offers more than 200 services from data centers around the world. AWS has all you need to take your on-prem data center off your hands and provide better accessibility and security to help you meet your long-term goals. If you need assistance migrating from on-premises to an AWS environment, we are the right partner to help you. 

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AWS Cloud Migrations

Benefits of AWS vs. On-Prem

There are several benefits of migrating to AWS, including: 

  • Access anywhere and anytime
  • Less expensive maintenance and hardware costs 
  • Increased security 
  • Scalability 
  • Quick deployment
  • Cheaper energy costs 
  • Saves you time and energy

AWS Cloud Migrations With CloudiQS 

While migrating to AWS is the right choice for many UK businesses, migrating to AWS is no simple task. It requires expertise, professionalism, and knowledge. CloudiQS provides the most complete migration services to help you assess, mobilize, and migrate your data safely and effectively. Our team of certified AWS partners is ready to help you with migrating to AWS.

Reference Architecture find out more here

Why CloudiQS Is the Best Partner for Migrating to AWS

There are several reasons why you should choose CloudiQS as your partner for your upcoming AWS migration: 

Personalized Service 

Instead of using an online data transfer service, when you work with CloudiQS, you are able to receive personalized, 24/7 services. 

Professional AWS Partner

CloudiQS is a certified AWS consulting partner with more than 20 years of experience. Trust your valued private data and information to our professional team of 

Free Your Own Time 

Rather than spend your own time or your IT team’s time on your AWS migration, trust the experts at CloudiQS to complete it for you. 

Happy Clients 

You can read case studies featuring our clients for whom we successfully performed AWS migrations.

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Steps For Migrating From On-Prem to AWS

There are several steps we take for migrating from on-premises to an AWS environment, including:


The first step of an AWS migration is to evaluate your current cloud infrastructure and requirements. Our team will create an inventory of applications and dependencies.


Next, we will determine a detailed migration plan that includes everything from timelines, roles, responsibilities, and contingency plans.


Then, we will set up your AWS environment according to our plan. We will also provision the right resources and infrastructure to support your applications.


Finally, we will transfer your data to AWS and migrate your applications. During this step, we will also configure networking and security settings.


We are not done once we have migrated your data. We will test your migrated applications in the AWS environment to make sure that they are running correctly and performing as expected.


Once everything is migrated and working properly, we will optimize their performance in the cloud environment. 

AWS Migrations For a Number of Industries

We provide AWS migration services for businesses in a number of industries, including: 

  • Health Care
  • Banking and Finance
  • Startups and High Tech
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Retail
  • Trave

Other Services We Offer at CloudiQS 

In addition to AWS migrations, we offer a number of other expert services at CloudiQS, including: 

  • AWS Solution Architecture 
  • Serverless Architecture
  • AWS Cloud Security
  • AWS Well Architecture 
  • AWS Data and Analytics

About CloudiQS

Cloud iQS is a unique, people-focused, technology services company devoted solely to AWS services and migrations. We are 100% committed to providing efficient and completely AWS migrations to our customers. 

Migrate to AWS With CloudiQS 

CloudiQS is one of the fastest-growing consulting partners in the UK for a reason. We help our clients migrate to AWS safely and efficiently. Call us to begin your AWS migration at 07765344144 or mail us at hello@cloudiqs.com.

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