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How to Migrate to AWS –

A Comprehensive Guide to Free Migration Solutions with CloudiQS

AWS Migrations:

Startups are always looking for scalable and cost-effective cloud solutions, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as a leading choice in this space. With its vast array of services, unmatched scalability, reliability, and competitive pricing, AWS has become the go-to platform for many startups.

Given these advantages, it’s no surprise that more and more startups are planning to migrate to AWS. The great news is that AWS has introduced the Startup Migrate Program (SMP). This initiative provides startups with migration assistance, credits, and resources to make the transition to AWS as smooth as possible.

In this article, we’ll explore the key aspects of the AWS Startup Migrate Program (SMP), including its benefits, the migration process, and the eligibility requirements.


What are the Startup Migrate Program (SMP) and IW Migrate?

The Startup Migrate Program (SMP) is a  AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) dedicated migration service designed to help startups transition their workloads from other cloud providers, co-located data centers, or on-premises infrastructure to AWS. As a streamlined version of the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP), SMP offers focused support throughout the migration process.

While enterprise migrations can be challenging and lengthy, SMP simplifies the process, enabling you to quickly modernize your infrastructure. The program helps you establish a robust AWS foundation, minimize risks, and reduce initial migration costs. With AWS’s reliable, secure, and high-performance cloud services, your journey to the cloud can start seamlessly today.

Benefits of AWS Startup Migrate Program (SMP)

The Startup Migrate Program (SMP) offers startups a range of benefits to make their transition to AWS as smooth as possible. Here’s how:

Continuous Support from AWS Partner: Our team, with its expertise in cloud migrations, will be by your side throughout the process. We know how challenging migration can be, so we provide ongoing guidance and support to ensure a successful transition to AWS.

Cost Savings: SMP simplifies migration to AWS, helping you reduce costs and minimize hassle. With AWS’s support, many migration expenses are covered, allowing you to benefit from AWS without the heavy costs typically associated with infrastructure migration.

Maximize AWS Benefits: As an advanced AWS Partner, we help you leverage AWS’s full potential. By combining SMP with the AWS Activate Program, you could access up to $100,000 in AWS credits. This substantial support can delay your first AWS bill for months or even years, giving your startup more time to grow while enjoying AWS’s robust services.

What do I need to do to be part of it – Eligibility Criteria for SMP / IW Migrate

To qualify for the Startup Migrate Program (SMP) or IW Migrate, startups must meet specific criteria established by AWS. While the exact requirements may change over time, the general eligibility criteria include:

Migration Scope: Startups should have external workloads currently hosted on their On-prem Servers, (local Servers) or other cloud platforms such as Google Cloud, Azure, etc. These workloads must be intended for migration to the AWS Cloud.

Current Spend: Startups must provide documentation showing that their current spending is estimated to be more than $5,000 per month on competitor cloud platforms. This spending threshold indicates that the startup has a significant existing infrastructure that stands to benefit from migrating to AWS.

Verification Process: AWS will verify eligibility by reviewing the startup’s company details and confirming their current cloud spending. This process ensures that the benefits and resources of the SMP are appropriately allocated to eligible startups.

It’s important to note that eligibility criteria can vary, so it’s advisable to consult with an official AWS Partner, like Cloudvisor, or reach out directly to AWS for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Benefits of Partnering with Us & AWS for SMP/IW Migrate

 Migrating to AWS can be a complex and challenging task, we see this with our customers. Hence Partnering with experienced AWS partners, like CloudiQS, can simplify the process and ensure a successful transition. 
With over 20 years of AWS experience, we aim to build a strong relationship with your startup, potentially leading to a long-term partnership.


What’s in it for you? 

We handle your migration at no cost to you—AWS compensates us for our services, making it a mutually beneficial arrangement. 

From planning to execution, our senior-level AWS-certified engineers will guide you through every step of the migration process, addressing any concerns along the way.

By partnering with CloudiQS, you’ll also gain access to exclusive AWS benefits for startups through our AWS Resell program and long-term relationships with us. 

This includes monthly discounts on your AWS spending, free Cost Optimization Reviews, and on-demand consulting sessions with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

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