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Deploying a New Kubernetes Cluster with Amazon EKS

Deploy a New Kubernetes Cluster with Amazon EKS There’s no denying it — Kubernetes has become the de-facto industry standard for container orchestration. More on the subject: In 2018, AWS, Oracle, Microsoft, VMware and Pivotal all joined the CNCF as part of jumping on the Kubernetes bandwagon. This adoption by enterprise…
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people working at desks

Top 5 Architecture Blog Posts for Q1 2021

Top 5 Architecture Blog Posts for Q1 2021 Reference Architecture : By Bonnie McClure | Anandprasanna Gaitonde | John Bickle | Reference Link The goal of the AWS Architecture Blog is to highlight best practices and provide architectural guidance. We publish thought leadership pieces that encourage readers to discover other technical documentation…
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Experts Group Work Office


Well-Architected Review that was created by the sample application Explore tags created on the Well-Architected Review From the Workload Detail page, click on the Properties tab at the top. Scroll to the bottom and see that there are 3 tags associated with this Workload. Explore tags created on the sample…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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