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AWS Miltiple AZ Deployment

CloudiQS AWS RDS Deployment Guide 


1. Overview

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying CloudiQS applications using Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) on AWS to maximize uptime and reliability.

It includes explanations of different deployment configurations (Single-AZ, Multi-AZ, and Multi-Region) and offers best practices to ensure your database is resilient and highly available.

2. Step-by-Step Deployment Instructions

2.1 Configuring Multi-AZ Deployment

Objective – Increase fault tolerance by automatically replicating your RDS database across multiple availability zones (AZs).


  1. Log into the AWS Management Console: Navigate to the RDS Dashboard.
  2. Create a New RDS Instance:
    • Select the database engine (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server).
    • Choose the appropriate instance class based on your application’s requirements.
  3. Enable Multi-AZ Deployment:
    • Under “Availability & durability”, select the Multi-AZ deployment option.
    • AWS will automatically create a standby instance in a different AZ for automatic failover.
  4. Configure Storage and Performance:
    • Choose the storage type (General Purpose SSD, Provisioned IOPS).
    • Set the allocated storage and enable auto-scaling if needed.
  5. Launch the Instance: Review the configuration and launch the RDS instance. AWS will handle the setup and replication across AZs.
2.2 Setting Up Automated Backups

Objective: Ensure regular backups of your RDS database to protect against data loss.


  1. Enable Automated Backups:
    • During the RDS instance creation, ensure that Automated backups are enabled.
    • Specify the backup retention period (from 1 to 35 days).
  2. Configure Backup Window:
    • Define a preferred backup window when database usage is low to minimize impact on performance.
  3. Manual Snapshots:
    • In addition to automated backups, you can create manual snapshots for critical data before major updates or changes.
    • Go to the RDS Dashboard, select the instance, and choose “Take Snapshot.”
2.3 Implementing Disaster Recovery

Objective: Prepare for data recovery in the event of a catastrophic failure by using cross-region replication and other strategies.


  1. Enable Cross-Region Read Replicas:
    • Create a read replica of your RDS database in a different AWS region for disaster recovery.
    • Select the RDS instance, choose “Actions”, and then “Create read replica”.
    • Choose a different region and configure the replica as needed.
  2. Set Up Manual Failover:
    • In the event of a disaster, promote the read replica to a standalone database by selecting “Promote Read Replica”.
    • This will make the replica writable and ready to handle the application’s workload.
  3. Regular Testing:
    • Periodically test your disaster recovery plan by simulating failover scenarios and verifying that the replica can be promoted without data loss.

3. Deployment Configurations

3.1 Single-AZ Deployment

Description: Deploy the RDS instance in a single availability zone.


  • Lower cost
  • Simpler setup and management


  • Vulnerable to AZ-level failures

Recommended for: Development and testing environments.

3.2 Multi-AZ Deployment

Description: Distribute the RDS instance across multiple availability zones within the same region.


  • Higher availability and fault tolerance
  • Automatic failover to the standby instance in case of an outage


  • Slightly higher cost

Recommended for: Production environments requiring high availability.

3.3 Multi-Region Deployment

Description: Deploy read replicas of the RDS instance in different regions.


  • Maximum fault tolerance and disaster recovery capabilities
  • Improved latency for global users


  • Higher cost
  • Complexity in data synchronization and management

Recommended for: Mission-critical applications requiring the highest level of redundancy and global reach.

4. Best Practices for Uptime and Reliability

  • Enable Multi-AZ for Production Databases: Always enable Multi-AZ for production environments to ensure high availability.
  • Automate Backups: Use automated backups and set an appropriate retention period to protect your data.
  • Implement Cross-Region Replication: For critical applications, use cross-region replication to safeguard against regional outages.
  • Monitor with Amazon CloudWatch: Set up detailed monitoring and alerts for your RDS instances to quickly respond to any issues.

5. RDS Instance Limits


  • Maximum Number of RDS Instances – By default, up to 40 RDS DB instances can be created in a single AWS region. This limit includes all instance classes and database engines.
  • Read Replicas – Each RDS instance supports a maximum of 5 read replicas. This applies to MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB engines.
  • Multi-AZ Deployments – Only one standby instance is created in another AZ when Multi-AZ is enabled.

Note: CloudiQS can help to increase these limits can be increased by submitting a request to AWS Support.

6. Data Types and Replication Limits

Unsupported Data Types for Replication:

  • BLOB/CLOB Data-  Replication for large binary or character objects (BLOB/CLOB) may not be supported depending on the database engine and size of the data.
  • Spatial Data –  Certain spatial data types may not be fully supported for replication in MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • JSONB Data – Replication of JSONB data types may be restricted in specific versions of PostgreSQL.

Other Replication Limits:

  • Replication Lag – Under high-load conditions, there may be a delay in data replication, especially in cross-region scenarios.
  • Cross-Region Replication – Replication between regions may incur latency and additional costs, and is subject to network limitations.

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