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AWS EC2 For Windows Server Partners

Well-Architected Microsoft Workloads

Microsoft Workloads AWS Graphic

Supports AWS migration / construction of Microsoft products

From AWS migration of systems that are indispensable for internal OA such as file servers and Active Directory, to cloud computing of business applications running on Windows OS, and introduction of Web systems. By running your application on AWS, you can expect improvements in security, application performance, and reliability.

Achieve cost optimization with total support from AWS installation to operation and maintenance

CloudiQS provides total support from AWS introduction proposals to Microsoft-related system construction / migration and maintenance. We will realize cost optimization by providing operation and maintenance services according to the usage situation of our customers, taking advantage of the unique advantage of the cloud, which incurs costs as much as it is used.

AWS Certified Badge

We propose the optimum plan according to the customer's environment and needs

We can flexibly support various cases such as migration from on-premise environment and cloud usage for the first time, and we can support from one server. AWS provides services such as "VM Import / Export" and "Server Migration Service", so you can quickly migrate your current environment to AWS as it is. You can also bring your existing Microsoft software licenses to AWS (BYOL), so no additional arrangements are required. Please contact us using the inquiry form as the cost will depend on your requriments

AWS Microsoft Graphic

4. Reliable technical capabilities and achievements backed by AWS certification

CloudiQS has many engineers who have acquired various AWS certifications (* 2) are enrolled, and the track record of introducing AWS covers a wide range of fields such as sales / distribution, insurance / finance, manufacturing, academic institutions, and service industries. With our abundant track record and technical capabilities, we can provide AWS installation and migration services for high-performance Microsoft-related systems. 4 Certification -Solution Architect- Professional Solution Architect-Associate -DevOps Engineer-Professional -SysOps Administrator-Associate Developer-Associate Cloud Practitioner

AWS Well Architected Logo

Microsoft Usecase

business applications running on Windows OS are operated in an on-premise environment.

・ Since the frequency of use of business applications is limited, we want to reduce costs.
・ There is not enough resources in the existing environment, and we want to avoid reinforcement and material procurement.
・ I want to minimize the time and effort required for system management.

Our Solution point
Migrate to AWS while maintaining the configuration of business applications running on Windows OS.

-Cost optimization is realized by implementing a mechanism that automatically starts / stops so that it operates only when necessary.
-Since equipment procurement is not required by utilizing the cloud, initial cost reduction and quick delivery are realized.
-By building as an existing Active Directory environment, it is possible to link with other in-house systems and centrally manage on AWS, improving efficiency.
-A secure environment is realized by laying Direct Connect and connecting the customer environment and AWS with a closed network.

Windows Workloads Airchitecture
Architecture overview of AD Extension to AWS
Microsoft Certified Logo

Experience and Expertise - AWS

Our AWS cloud expertise has started more than a decade back and Microsoft Technologies has been our core competency right from the beginning of our journey. Being AWS Select Consulting Partner and certified member of AWS Well-Architected Partner Program, our migrations and operations, by default, incorporates the latest AWS technologies and Well-Architected Framework design principles mapped with Reliability, Security, Performance Efficiency, Operational Excellence and Cost Optimization.

AWS native and highly customizable services for Microsoft
  • Active Directory – Amazon EC2 Windows Server
  • Active Directory – AWS Managed Active Directory
  • Microsoft Applications – Amazon EC2 Windows Server
  • MS SQL Databases – MS SQL Server on Amazon EC2 Windows Server
  • MS SQL Databases – AWS RDS – Managed MS SQL Database Server
  • File Server – Amazon EC2 Windows Server for network file sharing
  • File Server – Amazon FSx for Windows for network file sharing
  • Hybrid Cloud – Active Directory authentication on AWS for on-premises users and applications
  • VPN – Access your Microsoft applications and data on AWS from anywhere including local office premises, remote locations and mobile users
Consultio Extended Logo Dark

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)