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AWS Cloud Security

Your Cloud Security is
Always our top Priority

Strong security is the core of your cloud. At CloudiQS, your AWS cloud security is always our top priority. For many UK businesses, cloud security is a major concern. We help you make your environment safer and more resilient. Get visibility into the security and compliance items in your environment on AWS. Don’t take risks with your data, privacy, and security. Instead, utilize our AWS cloud security solutions to support you and help make your environment safer and more more resilient.

AWS Cloud Security

Your AWS cloud security is of the utmost importance because it helps protect your private data and accounts from hacking or unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. At CloudiQS, our top priority is security and compliance in the environments we create and manage. The main challenges regarding the management of environments in the cloud are related to the lack of visibility on issues such as compliance, security, and optimization. Some environments are susceptible to security issues and problems because some developers and some architecture do not place enough attention on security issues. That is not the case at CloudiQS. We understand the importance of our clients’ AWS security.

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How to Build an Effective AWS Cloud Security

CloudiQS expert security specialists come with decades of experience supporting data-driven initiatives at some of the largest organisations in the world. It’s what sets us unique. Migration to the cloud always raises questions around security and you will have many considerations to manage as you migrate and run more and more applications in the AWS cloud. Cloud has the capability to offer extremely secure solutions, but you need the skills and experience to not only deliver them but manage them effectively once they are live.

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Benefits of AWS Cloud Security 
There are several benefits of choosing AWS from a cloud security perspective, including: 

Keep Your Data Safe 

The Amazon Web Services infrastructure has strong safeguards in place to protect your data and your privacy. All data is stored in extremely secure AWS data centers.

Meet Compliance Requirements 

AWS manages dozens of compliance programs in its infrastructure. This means that many segments of your compliance are already complete.

Cut Costs 

Save money by utilizing AWS data centers. You gain the ability to maintain the highest standard of security without having to manage your own facility.

Scale Quickly 

The AWS cloud allows you to scale your security. No matter how small or large your business, AWS infrastructure is designed to keep your data safe.

We care for your Security

We can help. 

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Security Architecture

If you have already started your AWS cloud journey, our cloud and security experts can assess your design and its security and provide expert advice. Contact us to discuss your security architecture.

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Continuous Security Testing

CloudiQS combines cloud with modern DevOps methodology for the customers. You will gain levels of team agility to continuously secure your AWS cloud, as well as addressing any issues quickly so you stay secure.

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DevSecOps Training and Constancy

Our CloudiQS security teams can help you build the latest open source tools into your application development pipeline, removing many common vulnerabilities before your code hits production.

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VPC Network Security

We have a proven record of utilizing holistic security policies across hybrid networks.

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Application Security

We have helped a number of our clients to design, protect, and monitor their key applications on AWS cloud by using AWS native security tooling or third party tools, like Splunk.

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Kurbenetes Security

Kubernetes has become the de-facto industry standard for container orchestration. We are experts at Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes.)

About CloudiQS 

Our mission is to simplify the AWS Cloud and AWS Cloud Security for small and large businesses. We are an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner with multiple AWS certifications. Our teams work for any type of business in a number of different industries. 

Get the Best AWS Cloud Security With CloudiQS 

CloudiQS offers the best AWS cloud security solutions in the UK. Our qualified and fully accredited team helps customers of all sizes build cost-effective, safe AWS environments. Call us for the best AWS cloud security or a free consultation at 07765344144 or mail us at hello@Zcloudiqs.com. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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(10am - 05 pm)