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Serverless Architecture

CloudiQS As A

AWS Lambda is the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform of AWS enabling developers to run their code triggered by various events without managing and provisioning servers. It is revolutionary with its pay-as-you-go pricing model, charging nothing when the code doesn’t work.

CloudiQS provides deep security and performance insights into serverless workloads. CloudiQS enables software teams to take actions faster to improve the distributed business workflows of serverless applications where data is spread across multiple managed services and third-party APls.

CloudiQS consolidates to one platform what used to require multiple costly and disconnected tools to monitor applications, detect issues, alert, debug, troubleshoot, optimise costs, remove security vulnerabilities, and prove continual compliance.

AWS Consulting Partner 3
AWS Lambda


As an Advanced AWS consulting Partner, CloudiQS provides top service to serverless developers and operations engineers to ease the troubleshooting, debugging, and securing of AWS Lambda applications. 

AWS Lambda Architecture

Amazon Lambda plays an essential role in receiving requests from the API gateway, and then processing these requests by collaborating with other services such as Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) or Amazon DynamoDB, etc. This pay-per-usage model is especially useful for our clients who have multi-regional web service representation

AWS Lambda Architecture Static Website

The architecture for this module is very straightforward. All of your static web content including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images and other files will be stored in Amazon S3. Your end users will then access your site using the public website URL exposed by Amazon S3. You don’t need to run any web servers or use other services in order to make your site available, reference Link

AWS Lambda Architecture Static Website
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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)